CRank: 5Score: 49820

Rare are still in the game,so as of now they are not a bust.They have 4 games in the pipe line so the deficit will be cut more when these do come out.They have not shown the same magic,but times do change,staff change,and sometimes people with talent for games of yesterday do not have the same skills for todays systems...

For me I would want to see platformers from rare,without rare giving them to us,I dont see X360 owners getting any higher level platformers. We get fighetrs a...

5697d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

How about the game the BBC reporter raved about Months and months ago?

Team Ico's game?

How about Beyond good and evil 2? Almost a year since they have shown anything?

Oddworld inhabitants Citizen Siege Movie/game tie in,where is it?

The next Jak game,is it just rumor?

The next PS360 Kingdom hearts?

These are all my most anticipated games,and the waiting game continues...

5698d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

ICO mixed with SOTC boss fights...


Kingdom hearts

..............Dark Cloud

Eidos/Square Enix new version of Soul Reaver...

And how about bringing ODDWORLD back for a spin...

5698d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Conker,JFG, and an all new IP would be my top choices for whats next from them...We get enough fighters and shooters elsewhere,lets have a few more act/adv platformers from rare...But,I think when you hear the word "profit",you get a sense shooters and fighters are going to be pushed upon rare...For many thats what they want,another Killer instinct and PD game...

“restructure our current approach so we can speed development and better manage the scale required to crea...

5698d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are comparing it to "Dead Space meets God of War"...

If I recall,their are 4 major movie studios in a bidding war for the movie rights...

I like the idea of a "knight with magic powers” to suit the tone of the game...Perhaps more depth than just a hack and slash button masher.

I don't know if it will be anywhere near GOW or even Dead space,but it does have me interested.

5699d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with alot of what you are saying.I also like the idea of side missions,you're option in going for them or not,more choice beyond the set misions.Plus earning rewards for taking the time to talk to side or extra characters.

A bubble for your comments,and a thumbs up for the Stuntman Mike character in the movie...

5700d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The first game was a "flawed masterpiece"...

The number one rule for their next game should be..."do not repeat anything",every new task,mission,should be fresh.Go the total opposite route they did in the first one.

Rumor is their will be a swimming mechanic in the next one.I also hope for a little improvement in everything else aswell,from eye candy,(even though the first one was a nice looking game),better A.I.,and deeper puzzle elements.Twe...

5700d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lots uf cash up for grabs with a 360 port.I know PS3 only fans dont want to hear it,but,it is something they must look at business wise.I loved it on the PS3,and know that any true gamer,that owns only the X360 and not the Ps3 would run as fast as possible to get their hands on a copy for the X360.....Making the impossible possible does make one think.

MGS5 announced,where he acts as the producer only?

Zone of the enders?

My personal wish would be ...

5705d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I feel exactly the same...

5706d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Beyond Good and Evil 2 (PS3, 360) is my most wanted from UBI...

Rayman 4 would be the other,but I would love it on either the PS360...

Assassins creed 2 is another great title "potentially"...The first was a flawed masterpiece...Give us non repetitive gameplay,a little extra everything else and thats a title I am very interested in...

5706d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A new X360 Conker,or a Jet force Gemini and or Kameo 2 would be what I would want from rare...We get shooters and fighters,racers from everyone else,let rare give us quirky action/platformers...

A new IP,something fresh would be ideal...

And how about ODDWORLD?But this time give them the attention and backing they deserve...Perhaps the Citizen siege movie/game tie in will get announced? Probably too good to be true...

5707d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Did you recall the date for the Team ICO unveiling?I recall sometime in Febuary?

Thanks for any help if possible ahead of time...

I have not seen a thing about team ICO's game,but it is my most anticipated game,just going by what they have come up with in the past.

Wow,can you imagine a Fall/Holiday season with GOW3,Team Ico's next game,Uncharted 2?

I am quessing GOW3 will likely release in Fall 2009 because of this press event and G...

5709d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually my post was in reference to the sequel DR2 on either the X360 or PS3...A wish-list of what I would hope for on either or both games on both systems...

5709d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played the first one,fun game...

If it is multi-plat I will wait to see which system has an advantage content wise when choosing.

Either way...Save anywhere,better eye candy at least somewhat,higher levels of A.I.,some destructible environments would be a nice addition,the timecounter must be tweaked,in fact lose it all together, the aiming must be overhauled,a little better in the physics department,ragdoll included, and a large hope for co-op would be extra ...

5709d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope that Team ICO do show something this Month as promised.As for this announcement I would hope for a new Jak game (far fetched,I know) or how about that game the BBC reporter raved about Months ago? Probably not as that would probably be Megaton...

5712d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bubbles to you both....jkhan & Kain81...For having fantastic taste.Anybody that mentions Ico and Jak in the same sentence has got taste...

Not a major "megaton",and with GOW3 getting a special showing on the 10th it most probably is not GOW3.

Possibly Ratchet and clank future 2?

I would love it to be the next Jak game,because we already know Team Icos next game is coming,and supposedly shown in some state this Month...


5712d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Team ICO's next game has not been officially announced for this year.But it is at the top of my most wanted list,even without seeing anything on it,the teams past histroy is enough for me.

Uncharted 2 and R&CF2 not being on that list a horrible case of overlooking two upcoming gems...

Now what about Beyond good & Evil 2?Where has it disapeared to.

And what about the next Jak game?Is it in the works?I sure hope so...

5713d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Team Icos next game being a racer would be a major letdown to me.I like racers and all,but when it comes down to anything from team Ico I want an action/adventure game...

The games I want the most are no where to be seen sadly.Team Ico's next game,at least we know it is in the works,but where oh where is the release date? Then Beyond good and evil 2,it's being worked on,but no where in sight.And then the next Jak game,a game with endless possibilities on the Ps3,is it being wor...

5719d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Speaking of multi-plats....Where oh where has Beyond good and evil 2 gone...It seems to be way below the radar along with Team Icos next game and the next Jak (if it exists at all?)...

No R&CF2?

5720d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I agree.I am hoping that they have this game in co-production alongside Infamous,at least concept/pre viz wise if nothing else.Even better yet that they are far along,but are keeping it on the down-low,until Infamous gets it's time in the light...Then unveil Sly soon after Infamous gets released...

Would'nt that be a nice surprise,Sly getting announced for a Fall 09'release,to join Ratchet,now all we would need is the JAKPS3 game to get an announc...

5721d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment